Healthy, living soils to provide plant nutrients that don’t cost the earth: our system of land use sustains the natural diversity of life, and provides healthy, affordable food.
Avontuur Sustainable Agriculture
Healthy, living soils to provide plant nutrients that don’t cost the earth: our system of land use sustains the natural diversity of life, and provides healthy, affordable food.
Restoration trials on ploughed Renosterveld in collaboration with Simon Todd and Eugene Marinus: seeding of 3 ha with the seed of 9 species of indigenous plants.
Control of invasive tree species: Pinus, Populus, Eucalyptus and Acacia. Control of invasive weeds: Solanum elaeagnifolium (satansbos) and Amsinckia retrorsa.
Survey of extent and severity of soil erosion on Avontuur Farm. Experimental design and monitoring of various erosion control measures.
Avontuur provides people of all ages with opportunities to learn and become more capable. We provide formal training and opportunities for experiential learning in all our fields of activity.
Avontuur Sustainable Agriculture hosted a Climate Change Preparedness workshop on 22 October 2011 in collaboration with EMG and Indigo development & change.
Short-term volunteers (2 months). Longer-term volunteers (1 year). Action days on Avontuur - watch out for announcements.
Avontuur is a 1,300ha property on the north Bokkeveld plateau that was purchased by WWF in 2008 conserve its unique biodiversity. Since then the property has been managed as a conservation property by EMG and Avontuur Sustainable Agriculture.
Spanning the plateau from the western escarpment to the deeply incised kloofs on its eastern margins, Avontuur represents all three major geological strata of the Bokkeveld (Table Mountain Sandstone, Dwyka Tillite and Dolerite).
Our vision is of a productive farm which integrates the social and natural environment and which, in association with the Hantam National Botanical Garden, provides inspiration for all by managing the natural resources with critical reflection toward achieving sustainable production with a positive carbon balance and tangible benefit to the local community whilst demonstrating active restoration of biodiversity, conserving soil and expanding and deepening knowledge about the natural and social environment through training and collaborative trans-disciplinary research.
Our Mission is to establish a sound management plan for the Avontuur property, and to monitor and contribute to its implementation in accordance with the Vision, in collaboration with other stakeholders and partners.
Total Area: 1300 ha
Ownership: WWF
Management: Avontuur Sustainable Agriculture
Conserved since: 2008
Distance from Nieuwoudtville: 13 km
Public access: by appointment only
Total Plant Species: 483 species
Plant Species of Conservation Concern (Red Listed):
33 species
Species only conserved on this farm: 3 Species
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Worldwide Fund for Nature |
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The Table Mountain Fund |
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Environmental Monitoring Group |